Monday, February 24, 2014

Creative Challenge #1: TV Show (Make something w/me!)

I am very lucky - I know many wickedly creative people. Some are artists, some are writers, some are musicians - some are all of those things and more!

I've been struggling with blocks this past year - I haven't been producing art of any kind! But I want to change that. Louise of Sprinkle of Glitter posted a great blog entry today on Creative Courage, and we're going to follow her example!

I've reached out in the past to my artsy pals - saying HEY! This week, let's try something! Pick a topic, and let's make each other get something done! So let's do it together, guys! Creative challenges, comin' at ya!

This week, I challenge you to produce something - anything - in the theme of a television show. Scribble, doodle, sing-le…character, theme song, how it makes you feel, one you love, one you hate - whatever! It can be as in depth or as simple as you're inspired to do - just MAKE SOMETHING and share it with me in the comments below by Sunday night! I'll post the next challenge Monday morning.

Sneaky peaky: I'm going to work on a picture idea I had weeks ago but never went anywhere with - at the very least I'm challenging myself to have a sketch rough for a painting I was inspired to do.

Tips: Don't think too hard, and don't beat yourself up if it doesn't come easily - give yourself a little time over a few days, and try a few different things. The deadline is to make you complete something, no matter how simple - it's not meant to be scary. Face the blank page demons, and GO!

YOU CAN DO IT! Good luck, guys!



  1. I loved Louise's post today! It's such a great inspiration!


    1. Me too! I used to watch her channel all the time, but am w/o proper internet at my new place so I have to be careful on my data usage. I'm trying to keep up with her blog instead...I'll have to check out her Motivation Mondays from now on!

      Feel free to join in the challenge if you have the time, and thanks for stopping by!

      P.S. I stopped by your blog...and am definitely going to follow you on GFC! Tarte giveaway? Fantastic! Congrats on reaching 100 followers! Do you like using GFC for follower purposes? Maybe I should check it out!

  2. great idea! nice post too I really enjoy your blog so far and would love to follow each other--please join my GFC and I'll follow you right back! xo Agatha

    1. Thanks, Ashi! Your blog looks fantastic...those boots are killer! Style for days, I'm definitely following you :D
